Finale 2014.5 system requirements
Finale 2014.5 system requirements

finale 2014.5 system requirements

In addition, requires States to spend minimum of 3% to improve the quality of care for infants and toddlers. Phases-in increase in minimum quality set-aside from 4% to 9% over a 5-year period.Requires procedures for enrollment of homeless children pending completion of documentation, and training and outreach to promote access to services for homeless families.Īctivities to Improve the Quality of Child Care.Provides for a graduated phase-out of assistance for families whose income has increased at the time of re-determination, but remains below the federal threshold.Eligibility re-determination should not require parents to unduly disrupt their employment.Allows States the option to terminate assistance prior to re-determination if a parent loses employment, however assistance must be continued for at least 3 months to allow for job search.Establishes a 12-month eligibility re-determination period for CCDF families, regardless of changes in income (as long as income does not exceed the federal threshold of 85% of State median income) or temporary changes in participation in work, training, or education activities.


Funds a national website to disseminate consumer education information that allows search by zip code and referral to local child care providers, as well as a national hotline for reporting child abuse and neglect.Requires States to have a website describing processes for licensing and monitoring child care providers, processes for conducting criminal background checks, and offenses that prevent individuals from being child care providers.States must make available by electronic means, easily accessible provider-specific information showing results of monitoring and inspection reports, as well as the number of deaths, serious injuries, and instances of substantiated child abuse that occur in child care settings each year.

finale 2014.5 system requirements

Transparent Consumer and Provider Education Information Requires emergency preparedness planning and statewide disaster plans for child care.Requires States to have standards for CCDF providers regarding group size limits and appropriate child-to-provider ratios based on the age of children in child care.States must establish qualifications and training for licensing inspectors and appropriate inspector-to-provider ratios.Requires States to conduct pre-licensure and annual unannounced inspections of licensed CCDF providers and annual inspections of license-exempt CCDF providers.Requires States to certify child care providers will comply with child abuse reporting requirements.Requires States to conduct criminal background checks for all child care staff members, including staff members who don’t care directly for children but have unsupervised access to children, and specifies disqualifying crimes.Child care providers serving children receiving assistance through the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program must receive pre-service and ongoing training on such topics.Requires States to establish health and safety requirements in 10 different topic areas (e.g., prevention of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), first-aid, and CPR).

finale 2014.5 system requirements

Note: a regulation based on the law was published in September 2016 Visit disclaimer page Health and Safety Requirements for Child Care Providers

Finale 2014.5 system requirements